Storm is pursuing the Hulk after he defeated and captured Cable, she attempts to use her powers to control the weather to summon up a wind that will slow the Hulk down, demanding that he let Cable go. The Hulk mockingly tells her to make him, but this gives Cable enough time to recover and fight back. However, when Storm orders Cable to release the Hulk and get clear, he refuses to do so and the Hulk takes another leap into the air. Elsewhere, at an old Pantheon safehouse, Janis Jones wakes up to find herself wracked with a fever. Her dreams of the Maestro, the Hulk, and her grandfather causes her to wake up and fall out of bed. When she does so it activates a hologram of the Hulk that he has brought her here until she can get well and how he used one such safehouse to escape a bomb blast. Suddenly, the Hulk is enthralled by Onslaught and given orders to find and destroy Cable. When Janis tries to stop him, she finally realizes that it was a hologram and the Hulk has been gone for hours. With no energy left because of the fever, Janis then passes out on the floor.
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